Al Rassd Al Sareea is the foremost among companies who provide GPS based vehicle tracking systems and vehicle monitors.

AL RASSD AL SAREEA VEHICLES TRACKING SYSTEMS is a growing company aims to deliver innovative products and services that possess so much competitive advantage that opposition cannot compete.
It’s not easy running a business whether it is small or big, especially when you need to track a fleet of vehicles. Without knowing each vehicle’s location, it’s tough to choose the best routes. This leads to LOST TIME, HIGH FUEL COSTS, EXCESSIVE MILEAGE, and DAMAGING WEAR and TEAR. At this point, tracking becomes a valuable and dominant tool in running your fleet.
AL RASSD AL SAREEA VEHICLES TRACKING SYSTEMS believes businesses like yours deserve better. That’s why we empower you with most efficient real – time tracking module which helping you delight customers, outpace your competitors and protect what you’ve worked so hard.
Key technology we use is an unparalleled combination of Backend Platform with Best GIS Maps and most number of satellite utilised GPS module.
We are able to deliver any service promises that our customers clamour for with an extra dimensional technology applications.
Be fast, Be Global, Be Connected. Bring smart, connected devices to every person on earth and to enable people and businesses throughout the world to realize their full potential.
To shape an eminent and all-inclusive technology infrastructure, create and uphold an active operative environment, and carry quality, prompt, cost effective and reliable technology services.